Sustainably 5-Star Built Green in Kirkland Lists for $1.8M

Smart Growth Seattle – January 2015 Dwell Development has just listed their lasted creation, a 3,500 square-foot 4-BR home built to target 5-Star Built Green certification. Asking $1.8M, this Kirkland modern is chocked full of sustainable features and materials,...

An Eco-Friendly Urban Dwelling

Green Home Builder Mag – December 2015 Some may believe that building an energy-efficient home is a common practice these days. However, sustainable residential builder Dwell Development LLC has taken green building practices to the next level with Seattle,...

What Do Local Experts Predict For Seattle Real Estate in 2016?

Curbed Seattle – December 2015 As 2015 comes to an end, we wanted to close out the year by surveying local real estate & architecture luminaries as well as trendsetters & tastemakers to get a read on the highlights and lowlights of the past year of real...

Local Experts Sum Up Seattle’s Best Buildings in 2015

Curbed Seattle – December 2015 As 2015 comes to an end, we wanted to close out the year by surveying local real estate & architecture luminaries as well as trendsetters & tastemakers to get a read on the highlights and lowlights of the past year of real...

Local Experts Sum Up Seattle’s Neighborhoods in 2015

Curbed Seattle – December 2015 As 2015 comes to an end, we wanted to close out the year by surveying local real estate & architecture luminaries as well as trendsetters & tastemakers to get a read on the highlights and lowlights of the past year of real...

Sustainable Rainier Vista Community

Seattle PI – December 2015 New apartments and town homes go up with such frequency in Seattle that locals hardly give the construction a second thought. While these homes in Columbia City may seem like just another cookie-cutter development, they may require a...